Shop address:
Prešovska 40 – Eden Park
821 02 Bratislava
Opening hours:
November – April: 09:00 – 18:00
May - October: 09:00-17:00
Saturday / Sunday – closed (we are testing our products on mountains to give you the best advice as possible).
Orders received by 12:00noon by courier DPD are leaving our shop the same day.
Parking: One reserved place for ALPIS customers (on the other side of the road) Prešovska 40 and 15 publick places right in front of the shop.
Invoice address:
Michal Kišš – Alpis
Pluhová 954/22
831 03 Bratislava
Reg. no.: 466 30 384
VAT: SK1083160012
Registered in self employed register under no. 110-214237
Contact details:
Tel: +421 2 5556 7462
Mobile no. in emergency situation: +421903186101
Tel. +421 2 5556 7462